- Spring 시작하기 (https://start.spring.io/)
- Springboot
- AOP, Filter, Interceptor
- Maven, Gradle
- application.yaml vs application.properties
- swagger.yaml vs swagger.json
- yaml vs yml
(yaml.org/faq.html) -> Use .yaml - why-is-using-a-wild-card-with-a-java-import-statement-bad
- OAuth
RFC-6749, RFC-7522
OAuth 2.0 and OpenID Connect (youtube - oktadev) - OAuth2.0 vs OIDC vs SAML
(https://www.okta.com/identity-101/whats-the-difference-between-oauth-openid-connect-and-saml) - 13 Simple rules for good coding
(https://hackernoon.com/few-simple-rules-for-good-coding-my-15-years-experience-96cb29d4acd9) - MSA
(https://www.samsungsds.com/kr/insights/msa.html) - Transaction problem in MSA
I prefer "2 phase commit" but Saga looks better...
(https://bravenamme.github.io/2020/08/06/msa-transaction)- 2 Phase Commit
- Saga Pattern
- Domain Driven Pattern
- Java Version 별 차이
Rest API
- In REST API, What is the best practice to make URI?
- but case of URI, there are 3 main types of case conventions: camelCase, snake_case and spinal-case.
all cases is universal in programming languages. - According to RFC3986, URLs are case sensitive (except for the scheme and the host).
In practice though, a sensitive case may create dysfunctions with APIs hosted on a Windows system. - It is recommended to use the spinal-case (which is highlighted by RFC3986), this case is used by Google, PayPal and other big companies. (recommended is not REQUEIRED)
(https://www.vinaysahni.com/best-practices-for-a-pragmatic-restful-api) - but case of URI, there are 3 main types of case conventions: camelCase, snake_case and spinal-case.
- Naver, Kakao, Google API 이용하기
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